~9 minutes to read
Git leads to a wealth of discoveries. Once SSH and GPG are set up, once dotfiles are under control and a reasonable Git workflow has been adopted, there's still room to be amazed by a feature like Git worktrees!
~9 minutes to read
Git leads to a wealth of discoveries. Once SSH and GPG are set up, once dotfiles are under control and a reasonable Git workflow has been adopted, there's still room to be amazed by a feature like Git worktrees!
~11 minutes to read
Sometimes, spending hundreds of hours on something that could easily have been achieved in a fraction of the time makes for a rewarding journey! While it's important to be selective about where our attention goes in the first place, it matters equally to realize when the end of the rope is in sight so we can jump off the boat with good enough timing...
~29 minutes to read
Git is such a fascinating piece of software. It is not the only distributed version control system out there, but it is certainly ubiquitous in that category and has become a tool that must be mastered by any software developer in the modern era.
~6 minutes to read
Using Google Sheets API, this little tool reads a spreadsheet, extract relevant data and converts it into Markdown so it can be repurposed, in the example given in this article to generate an HTML output for this website with Pelican, a powerful static site generator.
~9 minutes to read
Cloud storage became affordable a long time ago while internet connection speeds have increased dramatically over the years. Yet, there is still a strong case to be made for daily backups of a whole system and for this purpose, there are few options to contend with rsync