~30 minutes to read
An introduction to RxJS, a library for reactive programming in JavaScript/TypeScript. We’ll cover core concepts like observables, operators, testing, and tips for managing asynchronous data flows.
~30 minutes to read
An introduction to RxJS, a library for reactive programming in JavaScript/TypeScript. We’ll cover core concepts like observables, operators, testing, and tips for managing asynchronous data flows.
~11 minutes to read
Every once in a short while, new digital technology comes out to iterate on existing products. Software targeting technical design (e.g., flowcharts) is no exception. Yet, there is still room to enjoy older tools that work simply… and simply work!
~25 minutes to read
This article will go over my dear i3 configuration file, which contains quite a few sections I hope I had stumbled upon right from the start when I got introduced to the tiling window manager world. It would probably have been less scary and intimidating. May you find the shortcut you needed!
~2 minutes to read
I like to keep track of the tools I use and see the shifts that occur over time — may it be switching from a graphical interface to a command-line one or finding a totally new workflow for an existing need. Without further ado, here’s the list!
~10 minutes to read
Desperate times call for the best Linux experience possible… And in my experience so far, the Debian distribution with the Xfce desktop environment or with the even lighter alternative i3 tiling window manager makes for a very smooth ride.