Using dmenu to Optimize Common Tasks

~12 minutes to read

If remembering dozens of keyboard shortcuts isn't your forte, let dmenu come to the rescue! With this awesome tool, you will be able to create menus from plain text files swiftly and effortlessly (almost).

fzf - A Fuzzy Finder to Accomplish Anything

~4 minutes to read

Search and, most importantly, finally find what you are looking for on your machine. If you rely on the terminal a lot, fzf may well be capable of speeding up your productivity!

Suckless: Minimalist Tools That Work Great

~4 minutes to read

I have been using a few different tools from for a while and I must say that once everything is configured properly, they are a joy to use. Some tools, like dmenu and slock, seem simple on the surface, but they allow to simplify your workflow by quite a bit. Another one, st, is a truly fantastic and lightweight terminal!