Ignoring Sync of Local Files to Dropbox on Linux

~7 minutes to read

To make the most of Dropbox, it can make sense to backup the files you care the most about and skip the ones that simply take too long to upload and eat up all your space. Such candidates could be hidden .git/ folders and node_modules/, but how do you exclude them locally? Let's find out.

Using dmenu to Optimize Common Tasks

~12 minutes to read

If remembering dozens of keyboard shortcuts isn't your forte, let dmenu come to the rescue! With this awesome tool, you will be able to create menus from plain text files swiftly and effortlessly (almost).

Bash History Cleaner

~8 minutes to read

If you ever wanted to automatically clean your Bash history file, here is a working solution written in Python that uses regular expressions to set any kind of pattern you might be looking for.