~4 minutes to read
Meet Black, a superb Python code formatter that will automatically reformat your code in accordance to PEP-8 standards.
~4 minutes to read
Meet Black, a superb Python code formatter that will automatically reformat your code in accordance to PEP-8 standards.
~4 minutes to read
Search and, most importantly, finally find what you are looking for on your machine. If you rely on the terminal a lot, fzf may well be capable of speeding up your productivity!
~8 minutes to read
I was striving to improve my productivity as one of my New Year’s resolutions and finally found the courage to take the time to try out i3, a fantastic window manager.
~6 minutes to read
This short article explains why Vimwiki felt like the right solution to organize my notes.
~3 minutes to read
This is a short introduction that shows a possible workflow with tmux and Vim/Neovim.